John Deere 840 TRSP

Dealer number ATC3110432
Cena vcetne DPH 19 % 14.161 €
Cena bez DPH 11.900 €
Výrobek John Deere
Model 840 TRSP
Rok výroby 2003
Další informace
Typ: Použitý stroj
Výrobek: John Deere
Model: 840 TRSP
Rok výroby: 2003


used John Deere 840 trailed field sprayer
2 circuit air brake system
27 meter boom with side storage
9 boom sections
hydraulic height adjustment
Hydraulic slope compensation
Tires: 480/70 R 38 Taurus
lighting system
Mechanical support leg
control panel

current location: COPPENBRÜGGE
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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Kontaktní informace
AGRAVIS Technik Center GmbH
Levester Str. 14
30890 Barsinghausen-Göxe
Kontaktní osoba

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