John Deere 6215R

Dealer number 300362016
Cena vcetne DPH 19 % 154.105 €
Cena bez DPH 129.500 €
Výrobek John Deere
Model 6215R
Rok výroby 2020
Provozní hodiny 5783
Další informace
Typ: Použitý stroj
Výrobek: John Deere
Model: 6215 R
Rok výroby: 2020
Provozní hodiny: 5783
S posilovacem: 158 KW (215 k)
Rychlost km/hod.: 50


6215 R
(0010) Used John Deere 6215 R
(0020) Ultimate Edition with CommandPRO
(0030) Starfire 6000 RTK
(0040) Ultimate seat
(0050) Section Control
(0060) Rear tire pressure regulation system
(0070) AutoPowr 50 kmh
(0080) elect. mirror
(0090) Hydraulic pump 155 l/min
(0100) Commandcenter 4600
(0110) elect. multifunction lever
(0120) Ultimate lighting package
(0130) 4 rear control units
(0140) Tires:
(0150) 600/70 R28 Michelin
(0160) 650/85 R38 Michelin
(0170) Maintenance tires:
(0180) Track width 2.25m
(0190) 480/70 R34
(0200) 520/85 R46
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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Kontaktní informace
AGRAVIS Technik Raiffeisen GmbH
Levester Straße 14
30890 Barsinghausen-Göxe
Kontaktní osoba

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call us.

02504 / 888 65 20